
CategoriesMethods & Tools, Terminology
80% stress, 20% relax

This came up in Financial Times today. We aren’t Millenials, we’re Generation Burnout. We work too hard for too little, and do ourselves a disfavor by not seeing the forest for the trees. What’s the goal, anyway?

I say, leave some of your time (and money) unallocated. I say, if the problem is that we work too hard and spread ourselves too thin, let’s stop doing that. Cut yourself some slack, and have time and resources that are unallocated. This helps you cope with stress, AND allows you to effectively deal with instantaneous things that come up. If you have free time, you don’t have to schedule every little thing to be done later, you can just do it now.

Overall, look at the 80/20 rule, it’s quite interesting.

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