Let’s All Dance the Melvin Superswap

CategoriesGamestop., Issue Jan'23

u/Dr_Gingerballs writes:

Howdy Ape-areenos,

I just got around to watching the 2 part GME series on HBO MAX titled Gaming Wall Street, and it was refreshing to see our side of the story told authentically after a year of gaslighting by the media. I know that the issue is complicated and it’s hard to create and sustain a captive audience around complex financial instruments. However, it did not sit well with me that I finished the series with no real idea of any tangible, targeted requests that the general public could make to reform wall street. Sending a letter to your senator saying the market is corrupt and it needs reform is simply too vague to take action. It also did not sit well with me that the story ended with the narrator throwing up their hands and saying that maybe Melvin swapped out the liability somehow, and no one really knows what is going on. I think the research done in this sub paints a pretty compelling picture of what happened, and there are signatures of it all over the data that we do have access to.

I hope that this post sheds more light on these swaps, and allows the broader community to begin to understand what is going on here. This work builds off of some great DD by others in the community, namely u/Zinko83 and u/Mauerastronaut on variance swaps. As with all of my posts, it would not be possible without the efforts of the group of people that u/Gherkinit compiled in the community to investigate the derivatives used on GME. Without the rule documenting, data collecting, and derivative investigating done by this group, I would not be able to write this post.

Let’s start where the documentary left off.

Continue reading “Let’s All Dance the Melvin Superswap”

Complete DD of the FDIC meeting. Credit Suisse is the tip of the Iceberg. A Clearing Corporation is borked in Europe and the US doesn’t have regulatory power to stop the Titanic from hitting the iceberg.

CategoriesGamestop., Issue Dec'22
updated (click)

Continue reading “Complete DD of the FDIC meeting. Credit Suisse is the tip of the Iceberg. A Clearing Corporation is borked in Europe and the US doesn’t have regulatory power to stop the Titanic from hitting the iceberg.”

Shorting and FDT’ing on Bonds and T-bills is the most direct way to extract wealth from population, by increasing money supply and inflation

CategoriesGamestop., Issue Dec'22, Issue Jan'23, Site updates, World Finance News_

Nowadays, 8% of shorts in bonds market fail settlement.

Shoring T-bills and bonds is a monetary policy tool used by governments and central banks to raise capital and manage their debts. It involves the sale of government securities, such as T-bills (short-term debt obligations) and bonds (long-term debt obligations), to investors in exchange for cash. The cash raised through the sale of these securities is then used to finance government operations and pay off outstanding debts.

Continue reading “Shorting and FDT’ing on Bonds and T-bills is the most direct way to extract wealth from population, by increasing money supply and inflation”