Norway Is Using Ethereum (Arbitrum) for Shareholder Management

CategoriesIssue Jan'23, Site Updates & News., The Crypto Becoming
The Norwegian Government has announced the development of BRØK, a cap tables platform for unlisted companies on the public Ethereum network. With BRØK, you can easily share and update your company’s shareholder information using blockchain technology, making the process faster, more efficient, and more secure.

This platform, which is natively on the Arbitrum layer 2 scaling solution, will use the ERC1400 standard to represent shares and the Ceramic network to comply with the EU’s privacy regulation GDPR.

This platform was announced in 2022, but we are now thrilled to see it move into its next testing stage and excited to see the documentation, SDK, and demo now available. This is a significant step forward for public Ethereum, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for this innovative technology.

Read full story here:

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