A quick housekeeping update


Hey guys! First off, I hope everyone is doing well today! It is a wonderful day to, take a stroll in the park, and enjoy the weather and this beautiful world : )

I hope I don’t need to comment on the market news today, IMO everything is pretty clear, and yeah things are looking very good and everyone is very excited for the things to come.

Now for the housekeeping update, due to some version updates I’m temporarily unable to post previews in main categories on the homepage. Fixing it is in my tasks queue and I hope to resolve it quickly. So in the near-term I may be slow to be re-posting my extensive meme collection. I hope to be back in normal operations shortly.

Stay safe folks, drink plenty of water, and enjoy the music : )

I didn’t mean it literally but speaking of music, here is another radio piece, hopefully appropriately : ) In anticipation of the grande things to come. The one, the only – Levan polka (remixed for easier consumption)