Keep Track of Coronavirus stats

CategoriesBusiness & Financial News

I found this resource useful for keeping track of the death toll and spread of the virus:

Until the situation is under control, the world is in danger. And there seem to be two very distinct ways this is impacting people: the health issue, and the economic issue. Coincidentally, COVID-19 is giving the markets that little straw that broke the camel’s back – tanking every market, and prepping the stage for a recession. This goes on top of fatalities and ops interruptions worldwide.

Live Systems

CategoriesSoftware Development
Everything changes. And change works – life itself has proven that.

In technology, you would think that since computers are very good at repeating something very exactly over and over again, things in the digital world sometimes wouldn’t change… But they do. They have to. There is somethign called digital rot – everything rots if it doesn’t change. Relationships rot (try not talking to a close friend for a week), tools rot (who uses myspace anymore?), and if a digital offering doesn’t undergo continuous change, it gets left behind and dies off. So you have to change, and your products and services have to evolve, or be left to “die.”

What teaches us also is that a good media service has to be updated very regularly. Preferably every day. If something is not happening in a channel for a day, it’ll start losing popularity. So you have to continue innovating, continue generating content, and be more varied and precisely match what current trends are set by the market. It’s a hard job, but it’s the only way to survive (and prosper).

The good news is that if you are very new, if you’re just starting out, the continuous change aspect of things doesn’t disadvantage you, on the contrary! As something new on the field, your product/service has room to grow, you haven’t figured everything out so there is very much room for change, and change is often good. So it’s a natural way to level the playing field: the newcomers have this edge over the old-timers, in that the newcomers will necessarily change.

8 hours a day

CategoriesPersonal Development
This way you can be good at it, and once you’re good, you can work on being great (which is again 8 hours a day). If you can do it for more than 8 hours – awesome, but that’s not a requirement.

8 hours a day. The path to greatness, quite simply, is doing something for 8 hours a day. This way you can be good at it, and once you’re good, you can work on being great (which is again 8 hours a day). If you can do it for more than 8 hours – awesome, but that’s not a requirement.

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