France shuts down half of their nuclear capacity



I don't think it's due to solar out-performing. News says the reactors are down for maintenance / corrision repairs. I'm afraid the anti-nuclear movement is political: successful nuclear would obsolete the climate change stuff. Whether they say they shut down nuclear because solar outperforms, or because there is corrosion, is besides the point.

I would hope energy prices go negative on good days! That's the excess energy you can feed into AI and crypto mining.

And what, in France they finally had a few good days of sunshine and instead of celebrating having a little bit of free energy, they shut down half of their nuclear capacity? Look at what happened to oil refineries in 2020: they were never brought back up onilne. France, Germany, USA and UN are going backwards.

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On the topic of nuclear. AI companies have been buying up energy contracts, since AI computation is very energy-intensive. Oklo (ticker OKLO) is a nuclear company based in California, that does modern compact reactors. Still water-cooled rather than salt-cooled and still using uranium rather than thorium, but it's a good step forward. So, Sam Altman who owns OpenAI bought OKLO with a special-purpose vehicle. I wouldn't be surprized is all the innovation in nuclear space will be done by huge AI companies rather than governments. Mega corps are already bigger than governments. I've bought a tiiiiiny stake in OKLO, just to keep it on my radar. Of course, if all the nuclear is controlled by governments and mega-corporations, regular people won't get much benefit from it.

Ideally we would be able to buy/build a mini nuclear reactor the way you can buy/build a pizza oven. I would love to see a Nuclear Prohibition within my lifetime, where such technology exists but is illegal. Coppenhagen Atomics is developing this very idea, their stuff is currently illegal in every country. Exciting stuff. China is very interested in them.   


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