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Slang Words For Penis In Spanish – Meaning & Usage


Via fluentslang.

el pájaro

This term is a slang word for penis in Spanish. It is often used in a playful or humorous way, and can be considered less explicit than other slang terms.

  • For instance, friends might use the term “pájaro” when joking around about their private parts.
  • In a more lighthearted context, someone might say, “¡Cuidado con el pájaro!” (Watch out for the bird!) as a playful warning.
  • In a sexual context, someone might say, “Me encanta cuando acaricias mi pájaro” (I love it when you touch my bird).

el prepucio or el forro

This term refers to the fold of skin that covers the head of the penis. It is also used colloquially to refer to the penis itself.

  • For example, “El forro está muy sensible” (The foreskin is very sensitive).
  • In a casual conversation, someone might say, “Me duele el prepucio” (My foreskin hurts).
  • A person might use this term jokingly and say, “¡Cuidado con el forro!” (Watch out for the foreskin!)


This word is a vulgar slang term for penis in Spanish. It is considered offensive and should be used with caution.

  • For example, “El chico mostró su verga a las chicas sin su consentimiento.”
  • In a conversation about sexual harassment, someone might say, “Decirle a una mujer ‘mira mi verga’ es completamente inaceptable.”
  • Another might warn, “No deberías usar la palabra ‘verga’ en un entorno formal.”


This word is another vulgar slang term for penis in Spanish. It is considered offensive and should be used with caution.

  • For instance, “El hombre se jactaba de tener una polla grande.”
  • In a conversation about sexual preferences, someone might say, “A algunas mujeres les gustan los hombres con polla grande.”
  • Another might comment, “No me gusta cuando usan la palabra ‘polla’ en conversaciones serias.”


This word is a colloquial term used to refer to the penis in a humorous or light-hearted way.

  • For example, “El hombre bromeaba diciendo que tenía un chorizo gigante.”
  • In a playful conversation, someone might say, “¡Vaya chorizo que tienes!”
  • Another might joke, “Mi novio siempre presume de su chorizo en la cama.”


This is a slang term for penis in Spanish. It is a casual and informal way to refer to the male genitalia.

  • For example, a group of friends might joke, “Hey, don’t trip over your pito!”
  • In a playful conversation, someone might say, “I’ve got the biggest pito in town!”
  • A comedian might use the word in a humorous routine, saying, “Why do men always think with their pito?”


A more formal term used to refer to the male genitalia, specifically the penis. It can be used in a medical or educational context.

  • For example, “El miembro masculino es un órgano reproductor” (The male member is a reproductive organ).
  • In a scientific discussion, someone might say, “El miembro erecto tiene una función importante en el acto sexual” (The erect member plays an important role in sexual intercourse).
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