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I was looking for the shortcut to "tab backwards" the browser tabs with my keyboard (hint: I don't think you can), came across some reviews and decided to write my own. I guess I got triggered by a reviewer saying it has a "less cramped layout", when it's a full-sized keyboard in every dimension.
It's a bit pricey at like $50, but overall I very much recommend it.
This keyboard is one of really cool gadgets you can own, it folds in a cool way, it's got three colors for backlight (blue, red, green), and is really a full-size keyboard, which is nice.
The pouch it comes with is perfect for a trackpad. Since as a professional if you're carrying a keyboard you're likely to carry a trackpad as well, I guarantee you that the pouch is just perfect. For both old and new (slightly larger) track pads.
The alternative to this keyboard is the official Apple keyboard. So, the competitor (the Apple keyboard) is nice, has more pleasant key travel IMO, but comes with its own disadvantages:

- The Apple bluetooth keyboard is larger and doesn't fold
- No backlight! This was almost a deal-breaker for me
- More expensive at like $80
- Don't forget to buy a cool fake-leather travel sleeve for your Apple keyboard!
- ESC key is actually Fn+ESC, maybe there is a setting to change that, but I have to literally press 2 keys to send ESC. This is bad.
- WIN and ALT keys are switched around, so for copy-paste (COMMAND-C, COMMAND-V) you have to press WIN-C, WIN-V which is different from the mac, and therefore annoying.
- No cycling browser tabs backwards : (
- I'm sure there are couple other inconsistencies that I haven't noticed yet