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Installing /home/ricmoo> npm install --save ethersES6 in the Browser ES3(UMD) in the Browser Parameters
- contract_address: Token contract address (contract address is needed when the token you want to transfer is not ether)
- send_token_amount: The amount you want to send to the receiver
- to_address: The receiver's address
- send_account: The sender's address
- private_key: Private key of the sender to sign the transaction and actually transfer the tokens
- NOTICE signTransaction(tx) is removed because sendTransaction() does it internally.
- send_account: address of the token sender
- to_address: address of the token receiver
- send_token_amount: the amount of tokens to send
- gas_limit: gas limit
- gas_price: gas price
let private_key = "41559d28e936dc92104ff30691519693fc753ffbee6251a611b9aa1878f12a4d" let send_token_amount = "1" let to_address = "0x4c10D2734Fb76D3236E522509181CC3Ba8DE0e80" let send_address = "0xda27a282B5B6c5229699891CfA6b900A716539E6" let gas_limit = "0x100000" let wallet = new ethers.Wallet(private_key) let walletSigner = wallet.connect(window.ethersProvider) let contract_address = "" window.ethersProvider = new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider("ropsten") send_token( contract_address, send_token_amount, to_address, send_address, private_key )Afficher tout Success! image of transaction done successfully SEND_TOKEN()
function send_token( contract_address, send_token_amount, to_address, send_account, private_key ) { let wallet = new ethers.Wallet(private_key) let walletSigner = wallet.connect(window.ethersProvider) window.ethersProvider.getGasPrice().then((currentGasPrice) => { let gas_price = ethers.utils.hexlify(parseInt(currentGasPrice)) console.log(`gas_price: ${gas_price}`) if (contract_address) { // general token send let contract = new ethers.Contract( contract_address, send_abi, walletSigner ) // How many tokens? let numberOfTokens = ethers.utils.parseUnits(send_token_amount, 18) console.log(`numberOfTokens: ${numberOfTokens}`) // Send tokens contract.transfer(to_address, numberOfTokens).then((transferResult) => { console.dir(transferResult) alert("sent token") }) } // ether send else { const tx = { from: send_account, to: to_address, value: ethers.utils.parseEther(send_token_amount), nonce: window.ethersProvider.getTransactionCount( send_account, "latest" ), gasLimit: ethers.utils.hexlify(gas_limit), // 100000 gasPrice: gas_price, } console.dir(tx) try { walletSigner.sendTransaction(tx).then((transaction) => { console.dir(transaction) alert("Send finished!") }) } catch (error) { alert("failed to send!!") } } }) }