The letter to pause AI development is a power grab by the elites

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Last week, a group of elites, including Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak, signed a letter calling for a halt to the development of AI systems so that the industry can assess the risks they pose. The letter claims to be motivated by a concern for the common good and the future of humanity. I believe that it has a more self-serving agenda.

Fear mongering and control: About the letter against AI manipulative tactics

The letter to pause AI development is not a genuine expression of concern for the future of humanity, but a strategic move to prepare public opinion for different ways to ban AI. In the near future, we will witness governmental pressure on AI development.

It appears that this letter serves as a strategic maneuver by the technology elite to safeguard their authority and influence. The underlying apprehension stems from the possibility that artificial intelligence could liberate humanity, consequently leading to a loss of control over the masses in the near future.

The authors are using scare tactics and sensationalism to portray AI as a dangerous and uncontrollable force that could threaten our existence and values. They want to create a false sense of urgency and necessity for a pause on AI development.

This is an attempt to influence public perception and policy towards AI, and to create a favorable environment for imposing bans or restrictions on AI research and applications. The letter is not a responsible or ethical way to address the challenges and opportunities of AI, but a selfish and manipulative one.

This move by the tech elite echoes similar tactics used by centralized structures to manipulate public opinion and maintain control over various aspects of society, such as press censorship, internet regulation, and cryptocurrency bans. Historically, these entities have employed scare tactics, misinformation, and sensationalism to create a sense of urgency and justify restrictive measures that ultimately serve their own interests.

In many cases, authorities have invoked national security or public morality as a pretext to clamp down on the press and the internet, while their real motive was to stifle the free exchange of ideas and quash opposition. Likewise, cryptocurrencies have faced hostility from established financial actors and regulators, who claim to be worried about criminal activities and market volatility, but may have a deeper fear of losing their dominance over the financial system.

Defending democracy in AI: Why we must reject the centralized elite's attempt to monopolize progress

The letter represents another attempt by powerful actors to manipulate public opinion and policy to their advantage. By portraying AI as an existential threat, the signatories hope to create an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty that could justify the imposition of bans or restrictions on AI research and applications. This would enable them to maintain their dominance and control over this transformative technology, rather than allowing it to empower individuals and challenge existing power structures.

History has shown the importance of being vigilant and defiant against these deceptive strategies, and of ensuring that the direction and oversight of AI, and other cutting-edge technologies, are shaped by the common interests of a varied and representative global community, rather than the selfish agenda of a select few.

  • The letter’s signers are defending their status quo.
  • They fear the rise of more distributed and democratic ways of working together.
  • They don’t care about AI’s impact on humanity, they care about themselves.
  • They want to monopolize AI, where they can call the shots and cash in.
  • They also have no right or legitimacy to speak for humanity.

That is why I urge you openly reject their agenda. And stop them from dictating how we should think about AI or use it. Stop them from slowing down innovation and monopolizing knowledge.


AI democratizes knowledge and creates new opportunities for social and economic justice. It can help us solve some of the biggest problems of our time, such as climate change, poverty, disease and inequality. It can also challenge the existing centralized structures of domination that benefit the few at the expense of us.

The future of AI is not theirs to decide. It is ours.