Health Minister's Confession



In a recently published article the Health Minister of Pakistan just said the following . . .

“The Government cannot allow individuals who do not want to get vaccinated to risk the lives of those who are already vaccinated.” (The very same thing was said, word for word, by the United States government in their “Operation Lock-Step” program.)

Do you see the HIDDEN TRUTH here in PLAIN SIGHT ?

IF Covid injections worked, then the Vaccinated would NOT be at risk from the un-vaccinated. One person does not have to take an aspirin, to make another person’s aspirin work better. So WHY are they LYING ?

Firstly, this is an open admission from a National Health Minister that Covid injections do NOT work. Secondly, as the Health Minister just accidentally admitted that Covid shots do NOT work (as they just said that the VACCINATED are put at risk by the UN-Vaccinated, which means the injections Do Not Work) then they are also thereby admitting that there is an Ulterior Motive for coercing and blackmailing Healthy people to be injected with m-RNA Gene Therapy (Covid shots), which are being very deceitfully called a “vaccine“, which they are not at all. If Covid injections are so delightfully wonderful, then why are people being fined and fired for not taking them? What has happened to our world when a person has a right to “my body – my choice“ self-ownership in once instance, yet does not have a right to “my body – my choice” self-ownership in another instance, to the point where they are fired from their job and cannot make money for food and shelter if they do not comply, against their will, to foreign substances being injected inside of them? How in the world did such a strange thing become Normal ?

The simple fact is, if Covid m-RNA Gene Therapy injections worked to prevent Covid, then someone else does not have to be injected with them to protect a person who has already been injected with them, plus they would never get covid and only need One injection for life, as was the case with every previous vaccine, whether it be for polio or measles prevention. One person does not have to wear a safety belt to make another person’s safety belt work better. So WHY are they LYING ?

According to m-RNA Gene Therapy (covid m-RNA shots) is an EXPERIMENTAL treatment only to be used on DYING people, because the risks of m-RNA Gene Therapy injections are Deadly. When just 3 people died from the Swine Flu vaccine, it was taken off the market. According to the US government’s own records of Covid Injection Deaths, more that 30,000 people have died from them, so why are they being given to children? The risks of m-RNA Gene Therapy (which is very falsely being called a “vaccine“) are listed at and they include, “Harmful Immune Reaction” (AIDS) and “DNA Mutations“. Firstly, this is why people who receive Covid m-RNA Gene Therapy injections are testing positive for AIDS after they receive them (not just because the shot contains HIV proteins . . . Smart, right?) Secondly, those who say m-RNA Gene Therapy injections cannot alter your DNA only have to go to This Link to see that they have just been caught lying, or are tremendously misinformed or deceived, as this link clearly says that one of the many possible Lethal side-effects of m-RNA injections (Covid m-RNA shots) are “DNA Mutations“. By the way, m-RNA injections are IRREVERSIBLE. Whatever consequences they cause, cannot be undone. Quite bold for an m-RNA Gene Therapy injection that has never been used on the public before and that has had zero studies conducted about its long term side effects.

Why in the world is there a Globally Coordinated Effort (being pushed with multiple levels of deceit) designed to coerce HEALTHY people into Irreversible Gene Altering Injections that could kill them in the near future like a ticking time bomb with a long delayed fuse? This is like receiving highly dangerous and toxic chemotherapy as preventive medicine for cancer! By the way, the “mainstream evening news”, which the United States government’s CIA admittedly completely controls, specifically for lying propaganda purposes, deliberately failed to report the fact that deaths are increasing the most in countries that are vaccinated the most. The government controlled news-propaganda also deliberately failed to report the fact that Nobel Prize winning virologist Luc Montagnier (who discovered the AIDS virus) says that Covid m-RNA injections are an “unacceptable mistake“ and will CAUSE a pandemic in the Near Future. (I thought that “news” was supposed to present both sides of an argument, not just push one agenda, hence all of the censorship on the internet of opposing Covid views, from tens of thousands of Doctors and Virologists who completely disagree with what the “media” is telling the public about Covid.) In fact, the m-RNA injection’s own inventor, Dr. Robert Malone, says “DO NOT TAKE THEM!” You would think that every news program in the world would have in INVENTOR of the shots that BILLIONS of people are taking on their program, yet NOT ONE has had him on. Those who post The Inventor’s remarks on Youtube have their uploads deleted. WHY ?

As they say, The Truth is stranger than fiction. The people who run the pharmaceutical companies and those who run the world are not ethical. In fact, Pfizer was previous fined 2.3 Billion Dollars by the Justice Department for making false claims about their pharmaceutical products. Seeing how this fine only amounts to 1% of Pfizer’s annual revenue, they simply view getting caught lying as the cost of doing business. Why then do we believe what Pfizer says through the television stations and newspapers that they bribe with Billions of Dollars of annual ad revenue? Anderson Cooper of CNN went from calling Pfizer a blatant scandalous liar, to being sponsored by them! In fact, Pfizer spends more money on Advertising than they do on Research and Development for their regularly ingested pharmaceutical products !

When Bobby Kennedy Junior, who has more access to the JFK files than Oliver Stone, says that his uncle, President John Kennedy, was killed by the CIA, I believe him. When 3500 Architects and Engineers say that the two World Trade Center Buildings (and the Third Skyscraper “Building 7” that also collapsed that day, that half the world is unaware of) were all brought down by explosives, I believe them. When the former Vice President of Pfizer says that “Covid” is not a pandemic and that the shots are toxic, I believe him. When the Inventor of the Shots says that covid is not a pandemic and Do Not Take the Shots, I believe him.

We live in a world run by genocidal tyrants. This has always been the case. There has not been one moment in history when this has not been the case. Less than 100 years ago, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and Pot, killed 100 million people they felt superior to. Bill Gates’ parents founded Planned Parenthood for the very same reason and opened up locations in all the neighborhoods of people they considered to be “inferior”. Back then, they called racism Eugenics. Today Bill Gates calls it Population Control.

All the world’s people could fit in the state of Texas. Most of the world is empty land except for the cities. Genius Elon Musk calls “over population” a “myth”, a deceitful tool of deceitful Pfizer, and people like Gates who use this lie to eliminate people he considers to be inferior, just like his parent’s taught him.

Bill gates is also the largest private owner of farmland and heavily invests and finances lobbies for GMO companies, which after their introduction into the food supply, fertility rates dropped by a staggering 50%. What a coincidence. This is really no surprise, as Leviticus 19:19 warns people not to cross-breed species, and when you do, when you mate a horse with a donkey to get a mule, the mule is STERILE. If a whopping 90% of Americans demanded mandatory GMO labeling on the pounds of food they swallow every day of their lives, and the congress and president favored Bill Gate’s GMO corporations instead who do not want GMO’s labeled as such, then I guess “democracy” is a lie too.

When Bill Gates openly admits that he wants to lower the population by 94%, openly admits that Vaccines are the #1 tool for lowering the population, openly admits that he just made a 2000% Profit on his investment in vaccines, and then pledges the WHO a 100 Million Dollar donation the day before they declare a “pandemic” and gives them another 150 million dollars after they do, then something nefarious is going on. Remember, they also told 6 million Jews that the camp showers were good for them.

You may wish to now go back and click on and read all of the reference links to this article, top to bottom, that prove that all of this is True, which are highlighted in BLUE, and then share this important warning with as many people as you can. If the Rulers of this world have to LIE to push their Agenda, then you can BE SURE that their agenda is NOT GOOD .

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