The assault on freedom of speech (and basic human liberty and dignity) continues in Brazil.

The assault on freedom of speech (and basic human liberty and dignity) continues in Brazil. Shortly after X (Twitter) was evicted from Brazil, their guvm't put Deolane Bezerra in jail as a "preventative measure". Deolane has 21M followers on Instagram and is accused of money laundering. Her defence is attempting to invoke habeus corpus, they argue that her imprisonment is illegal. If I'm reading it correctly, Deolane "had received the benefit of Article 318, known as humanitarian house arrest" as a "preventative measure" for crimes she has not committed (but may commit in the future). Welcome to Minority Report '84, Brazil edition everybody.
What's absolutely crazy is that it's happening in Australia, New Zeland, England, Scotland, France and Brazil - but no mistake, it's also coming for you, regardless of your country of residence.