8 hours a day

CategoriesPersonal Development
This way you can be good at it, and once you’re good, you can work on being great (which is again 8 hours a day). If you can do it for more than 8 hours – awesome, but that’s not a requirement.

8 hours a day. The path to greatness, quite simply, is doing something for 8 hours a day. This way you can be good at it, and once you’re good, you can work on being great (which is again 8 hours a day). If you can do it for more than 8 hours – awesome, but that’s not a requirement.

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Easy Behavioral Interview Questions

CategoriesAdventures in Recruitment Land
In almost every respectable interview process, behavioral questions are expected. Some are easy and have natural answers.

Unfortunately I may know a bit too much about S.T.A.R. behavioral interview questions – because I have been asked a lot of them, and also I’m in the position to ask them of prospective candidates.